Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Francis Badrak
EDLD 5352

When I started this class I was not sure what to expect from this course. After reading the syllabus I gain insight in to the course. I knew that we would be learning about using technology in the classroom. I have worked with technology in the classroom and I gained a better understanding of what is expected of me as an educational leader when it come to technology issues. The outcome of the class was more that what I had envisioned.

There was a lot of work in this class. The readings and posting each week were time consuming but the more I read the articles and the responses from other students I gain a broader knowledge of the uses of technology in the classroom. I have never used a blog before so this was the new to me. This probably took the most time. I had to understand the steps in uploading some of our assignments and commenting on others work. What I learned in this class was vary relevant to my work and what we do in our schools and classrooms. I can see how blogging, wiki’s and podcast can work with students and teachers. I work in the area of Fine Arts so these recourses are very relevant to our work.

I achieved all of the outcomes from this class. Some of the assignments took longer to achieve but I did accomplish them. If I did not understand something I either researched or found someone who could help me. The readings and responses took a lot of time but were very informative. I learned what and how to use the Texas Star Chart. Until I took this class I was not aware of this document. I found the Long Range Plan for Technology 2006-2020 to be very helpful in working through this class.

I was very successful in carrying out the course assignments. For the most part, the assignments were clear and concise. There was some confusion during the first week with how to respond to the readings. Once this was cleared up, I had a better understanding of what the expectations for this portion of the assignment.

As an instructional leader for our district I learned a lot of things that will help me in the future. The first thing I learned was that there is a lot out in the cyber world that I need to learn. I learned how to create a blog and to post information on it. Creating a blog was new to me. I enjoyed reading the information about copyright laws as it pertains to the internet. I provide professional development on copyright laws to all of my Fine Art teachers each year. I can add a new strand to the in-service now to include copyright laws as they pertain to the internet. I have a better attitude about technology especially blogs, wiki’s and podcast. I can see now how all of these can be used not only by staff but by students. Theses types of resources can be integrated into the classroom.

Blogs and blogging will have a big educational value for the 21st century learner. The students can communicate with each other and the teacher to open up learning and conversation about a specific subject matter. Students sometimes feel more comfortable expressing their thoughts behind the computer. I feel this can open up a whole new world for many people.

I think the biggest concerns in blogs and blogging is the use of copyrighted material. Students have to understand the laws. As educators we have to teach the students to be appropriate with their comments and content. Teaching good ethics to the students is essential for blogging to be a successful form of education and communication. Students have to use blogs as a form of communication in a positive way.

Blogging can be used to communicate with stakeholders to communicate what is going on in your district. The stakeholders can also comment on the blog to keep an open line of communication to administration. They are the connection for all stakeholders to the digital world. The possibilities are endless we just have to be very creative in its use. Blogging can be brought to the desktop for professional development for the teachers. It can also be a great communication and learning tool for students who are absent or distant students. Blogs can also use in times of crisis. They can be used to announce important events such as rezoning and popular topics for parents.

Users of blogs should be informed of the risks and hazards that come with participating in them. We need to teach the blog users never to include personal information. Teachers should provide students with procedures to follow when blogging.

This was a very good class I enjoyed taking it and learned many things.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Technology Action Plan

Technology Action Plan—2009-2010
Francis Badrak
Personnel/Stakeholders Title
Job Description
Role & Responsibilities
Administrators Role
Technology Integration Administrator
Oversee the technology department;
· District website with links to all departments and campuses.
· Campus websites maintained by campus webmaster, with links to teacher websites
· (FirstClass).
· Communications platform (FirstClass) for district wide communication (email, file sharing, calendar)
· Network and email accounts for every employee.
· Data storage (I:drive and Drive:X) for all network accounts and students
· Web based grade book and parent portal
· Web based student management system
· Distance learning opportunities
· Variety of other resources and programs
· Ensure technology is enhancing, supporting, and facilitating learning, instruction, communication and administration in the district
Increase communication
Instructional Technology Coordinator
Work collaboratively with technology integration administrator and instructional technology specialist to provide leadership
· To improve the capacity of all teachers to integrate technology effectively intocurriculum and instruction
· To provide training that identifies and promotes curricula and teaching strategies that integrate technology effectively into curricula and instruction, based on a review of relevant research, and leading to improvements in student academic achievement.
· To provide ongoing, sustained professional development for: teachers, principals, administrators, and school library media personnel to further the effective use of technology in the classroom and the library media center

Instructional Technology Specialist
Provide leadership, coordination, and staff development to ensure an aligned and articulated instructional program in regards to a variety of technology tools, applications and programs
· Provide ongoing sustained staff development in the integration of technology into the curriculum for teachers, principals, administrators and school library personnel to further the effective use of technology in the classroom and library media centers
Review technology training offering and work collaboratively with specialists to provide technology training to their campus
Curriculum Specialist
AEISIT, TMSDS, CSCOPE and Benchmark Testing
· Provide educators access to a district data disaggregation systems to analyze student performance
Communicate and work collaboratively to scan and score campus data on benchmark testing
Director of Elementary Education
General Education Curriculum K-6, ESL/Bilingual Education PK-12, Federal Programs and State Compensatory Education, Migrant Education, Gifted and Talented Education K-6, Dyslexia K-6
· Ensure content area specialists are provided time and resources to become properly trained in assisting teachers integration technology into specific content areas, work directly with campus principals on a variety of topics related to job description
· Encourage relationship building between technology department and the curriculum and instruction department
Attend meetings to increase collaboration between other campus administrators
Director of Secondary Education
General Education Curriculum 7-12, Gifted and Talented Education 7-12, Dyslexia 7-12, Advanced Placement 7-12, Career and Technology 7-12, International Baccalaureate Program 9-12
· Ensure content area specialists are provided time and resources to become properly trained in assisting teachers integration technology into specific content areas, work directly with campus principals on a variety of topics related to job description
· Encourage relationship building between technology department and the curriculum and instruction department
Attend meetings to increase collaboration between other campus administrators
Content Area Coordinators
Provide leadership, coordination, and staff development to ensure an aligned and articulated instructional program in the subject area assigned
· Work collaboratively with teachers to integrate technology into classroom practices
· Provide professional development directly related to the integration of technology in the content areas
· Serve as a liaison between the teachers and technology to ensure needs are being met
· Work collaboratively with the technology department to stay abreast of current technology and its uses
Establish a positive relationship with content area coordinators, discuss campus/teacher needs and support, share ideas regarding integration of content specific technology, include coordinators in campus communication and invite to key meetings
District Testing Coordinator
TAKS and all related assessments
· Ensure basic technology skills are evaluated K-12
Work collaboratively to ensure all state testing is conducted properly
Campus Administrator
Create a
shared vision, encourage and sustain the appropriate integration of technology, use modern
information technology tools to embrace accountability and hence use data for sound decision-making and continual assessment of effective technology for improving student learning
· Provide support for teachers and staff in the integration of technology to enhance teaching, learning and communication
· Model the use of technology to enhance campus communication with staff, parents, and the community
· Provide policies that encourages innovative use of technology
Personally evaluate their use of technology to effectively run their campus, asses and complete the Texas STaR Chart for their campus, meet with district coordinators regularly, collaborate with other principals regarding technology, attend professional development related to integration of technology to enhance teaching and learning, hold meetings (wiki, blog or video conference) with key personal regularly, model the use of technology
Campus Technology Support (Tech Mates)
Serve as the liaison between the campus and technology department
· Provide campus support for a variety of technology needs, technology department is contacted as needed
Hold meetings with the Tech Mates to asses technology needs of the campus
Oversee the management of the campus multimedia center
· Provide students with a variety of opportunities to utilize technology for information acquisition, problem-solving, and oral and written communication
· Assist teachers in utilization of the library to enhance classroom instruction related to technology
· Provide additional high quality support for students to integration technology into their school day
Meet with campus librarian to discuss needs and budgeting in an effort to provide additional high quality support for students to integration technology into their school day
All Teachers
Integrate technology effectively into curriculum and instruction, thus improving academic achievement and technology literacy for all students
· Provide students with a variety of opportunities to utilize technology for information acquisition, problem-solving, and oral and written communication
Walkthroughs and PDAS evaluations, ensure teachers attend one technology professional development a year

The lessons learned in my week three analysis report were that our district is very rich in technology but poor in providing professional development to our teachers to use the software and hardware that is provided to them. A majority of our teachers are using technology in the classroom but are not integrating the technology in their daily lessons. In reviewing our district’s technology plan I found that that educator preparation and development is addresses. The goals for our educators and staff addressed are to improve the capacity of all teachers to integrate technology effectively into curriculum and instruction. Provide training that identifies and promotes curricula and teaching strategies that integrate technology effectively into curricula and instruction, based on a review of relevant research, and leading to improvements in student academic achievement and to provide ongoing, sustained professional development for: teachers, principals, administrators, and school library media personnel to further the effective use of technology in the classroom and the library media center. With this is place I feel that we need to offer more professional development for our educators that is meaningful to the subject area they are teaching. We should offer follow up classes and programs to keep the learning process going. Too many times teachers go back to what has worked for them in the past and do not integrate new concepts and ideas using resources available to them. The Texas STaR Chart is a great resource to develop a road map for our technology department to promote and enable students and teachers to develop their technology skills in the classroom to meet the visions that are set out in the
District’s Technology plan. The district can provide our teachers professional development on math, science and foreign language software. They also can provide professional development on SMARTBoards, Compass Learning, Plato Learning, Probeware, Video Streaming Accelerated Reader.
A Professional Development Plan can be developed through the use of profiles, questionnaires, interviews and reviews of the campus and district technology plans . We have state of the art equipment but there is a lot of work to be done in bringing the professional development to the desktop for all teachers to have access 24/7.
To accomplish the goals of the Technology Action Plan so everyone can become a digital citizen the following steps can be taken.
1. Evaluate teacher proficiency using AEIS-IT, and benchmark data programs.
2. Increase the usage of CSCOPE and the 5E Lesson Program.
The district technology specialists can train campus support specialists. The training can be offered at various times to provide opportunities for everyone to get trained. This in-service can begin in January 2010 and can be done through the districts Distance Learning Lab. Summer training can provide any follow-up that is needed for teachers who need additional training. Surveys should be provided to all staff to assist in understanding the continuous needs of the teachers in technology development.
Method in evaluation and implementing this plan for CSCOPE and AEIS-IT should include but not limited to:
1. Surveys of the staff in regards to their use of the programs.
2. Interviews by the districts and campus technology specialists.
3. Teacher feedback from training evaluation forms.
4. STaR Chart survey information.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Week 2 Assignment Part 2

The area that I would like to address is in the area of Educator Preparation and Development. This area addresses professional development experiences, models of professional development, capabilities of educators, access to professional development, levels of understanding and patterns of use and professional development for online learning. There has not been much progress in this area in our school district. We are technology rich in hardware but we really lack in professional development. I would guess that most of the teachers on the campus receive about 9 hours of training each year. We do have teachers who work hard to incorporate and integrated technology in their lessons and teaching. Several teachers think that using grade speed and email is being on the cutting edge of technology. The one trend in our district is that as younger teachers are hired they are more savvy in technology. They are not scared to use and incorporate technology in the classroom.. They are becoming the role models for technology use in our district. My recommendation for our district would be to have continuous staff development for all teachers. Teachers should have to pass proficiency test in different technology skills. The vision of the state is to have all students technology proficient by the time they leave the eight grade. I think our teachers should also have to be proficient in technology. The only way this can happen is to provide opportunities for educators to become more proficient with technology in the classroom. The campus leaders have to address the needs and support the teachers in their ideas and visions.

Week 1 Post # 3 Part 4 of assignment

The Pre-K Technology applications give students a foundation in communication, writing and speech production. The teachers are the models for writing and speech. The students are motivated by what they see. They can become better communicators by observing their teachers. They learn how to work together in groups and are introduced to math concepts.

Students have multiple opportunities to master the TEKS because they are taught the same concepts in each grade cluster. As the students progress they are expected to gain more knowledge and perform harder task in all areas of the TEKS.

Week 1 Post # 2 Part 3 of Assignment

The Long Range Plan for Technology is very comprehensive. I feel a lot of areas discussed are attainable only if all stakeholders in school district agree and understand the plan. Everyone is fighting for the same money. It will take a large amount of money for this plan to be successful. In our current state with how funding is acquired from the state I feel district will have to make hardcore decisions with programs to make this a reality. The new learning can assist me as an instructional leader because now I can identify the needs in technology of the school and plan for the future.

Week 1 Post #1

In comparing the two assessments I found that I do have good fundamentals in the area of technology. In the Foundations Domain I scored myself yes on seventeen of the eighteen questions. In music education we send a lot of time using .mid, .wav, .jpg, .doc, and many other of these applications daily and weekly. In the Information Acquisition, Solving Problems with Technology and Communications I found that there are areas that I would need some training. The communication domain was my strongest. I feel confident in creating spreadsheets, powwerpoints and other multimedia presentations. As an educational leader I feel I have a good technology background and can be effective on my campus. In the areas in which I need assistance I would get assistance from the technology department or the technology assistant for the campus. Areas that I feel I need more training would be in resolving information conflicts and validating information through research and comparison data (9-B), understand the Boolean search strategies (4-B) and proper evaluation of products for relevance to the assignment or task.
I completed the SETDA District Survey and found that our district offers a large amount of professional development for our teachers but the teachers are not required to past any proficiency for any software applications. There is no assessment for teacher proficiency. We have in our elementary schools three computers for students in each classroom. The district has not established any standards that define what teachers should know and be able to do with learning technologies. All of our schools have 100% internet connectivity. I would consider our district very rich in technology hardware and programs but average to below average in making sure all teachers are proficient in using the tools offered to them. I agree with the assessment because it identifies areas in which teachers and educational leaders can recognize areas of strengths and weaknesses. This can only make us better educators and leaders knowing which areas teachers need help and training.