Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Week 5 Reflection

This was a very interesting class for me. I have not been involved in action research before taking this class. The assignments gave me a clear understanding of what action research is and how to use this type of research. Examples of action research in an educational setting are superintendent and district meetings, leadership teams and professional learning communities. Action research, if used correctly, in these settings can engage administrators and teachers in research that can solve common problems within their groups and develop common solutions by questioning and analyzing data. Administrators and teachers can use action research to develop skills that will improve them in educational setting. The meetings, leadership teams and professional learning communities become an environment for improvement, not a one dimensional meeting. All members of these teams collaborate to gain knowledge and insight to become better educators.

The benefits of conducting action research is this process gives educators a avenue in which they can reflect and study learning that relates to their own understanding of an educational issue. Action research gives educators an effective tool for improving instructional practices to help improve student learning. This practice encourages administrators and educators to work together to focus on an issue in which all of them can study and work to improve. The goal is to refine skills that will improve student learning and achievement. This part of the assignment gave me direction on what and how action research can benefit our school district and campus.
Week two assignment describe common action research in educational settings. The two scholars that I listened to in the lectures had a common theme. . Make the research interesting. This will keep you more focused. The research has to be relevant to your campus or school district. The final results of your research should have student achievement in mind and should be more practical and less theoretical.
Week three and four were the weeks in which we put all of the information together to create an action research project. I was able to meet with my site supervisor and engage in deep conversation concerning academic issues in our school system. This class helped me gain a deeper understanding of action research. I have several ideas for future research projects.

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